Lauren tagged me, so here are my 7 random things..
1. I thought that being a mom would convert me to a morning person. Unfortunately for Addie Lane, I still hate to get out of bed. Maybe one day I will love mornings and get out of bed super early and get a lot done before the fam is up, but for now I love my zzzzzz's.
2. I never thought I'd say this, but I miss working. I felt smart. I got a lot done every day. I had meaningful conversations with adults, etc. Don't get me wrong.. I love being home with Addie, but I'm still adjusting to the new lifestyle.
3. As a woman I feel like I should have strong opinions on everything involving our house and decor. I just don't. Luckily, Joel has good taste and does a great job picking things out for the house.
4. We are 99% done with the renovation/addition on the house we bought in June. From July until October (4 months) we had no kitchen and our living area was what is now a bedroom with 2 camping chairs. Addie Lane was born in August, so just imagine the fun. I think I was depressed from crying and confinement.
5. I'm a saver. A tightwad. A scrooge.
6. In my opinion there is nothing in the world worse than throwing up! I have only thrown up twice in my life. My first vomit experience was in 2nd grade after eating squash... (I'm just now starting to eat squash again) I really thought that I'd never throw up again. I even hate the thinking about it. I thought that if I got through pregnancy without throwing up that my body just didn't know how to do it anymore... can you hate something so much that your brain just won't do it anymore?? Well, unfortunately it happened again. This past summer I kept my nephew, Jack, a couple days after he had a stomach bug. I still love him, but it was just as bad as I remembered it. ugh!
7. After living with a seriously messy roommate my freshman year of college, I transformed from mildly messy person to a neat freak. The Lord must have been preparing me for my neat freak husband.
ok, finally done. I tag Jennie!
6 years ago
I know where you can get daycare..... Really Cheap.
you tag me?? oh dear.
Love your random facts!!!
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