Addie Lane loves to have Lucy sitting beside her. Lucy loves it too and wants to grab anything she can get her hands on. I had to put an end to Addie dressing up Lucy with necklaces, though. She could get them on Lucy, but when she went to take them off it wasn't pretty.
Joel's sister, Joanna, came to visit us last week. We did lots of swinging, reading, playing and even made a trip to the zoo and the civil rights museum. Thanks for coming, Jo! We always enjoy having you here.
Lucy is growing up so fast- she's already 6 months old! She is almost always happy.. smiling, talking and drooling. Lu Lu loves her sister. If Addie Lane laughs, Lucy laughs. How sweet is that? Her tongue is ALWAYS out, which is so cute, but makes eating difficult. Everything I spoon into her mouth comes straight back out. She's rolling and scooting all over the place, and she'll sit, but still a little wobbly.
Aunt Monica bought Addie Lane these boots and she hasn't taken them off for 2 days. They are a little too big and so she falls a lot in them, but I guess she writes that off as the pain of looking good. This girl loves her accessories.
While the fam was helping us do yard work outside, Mom and I kept all the kiddos inside for a while. Then they got stir crazy, so we ventured outside with them and let them "help."
can you tell that Ryan is sucking on Miller's paci? too funny!
Our neighborhood has a 4th of July celebration every year and even though we've lived here for 3 years now, this was our first parade. I was so surprised what a production it was... complete with fire truck, arts and craft sales, dunk tank and other games, and a band. Addie Lane loved watching all the kids ride thier bikes and counting the dogs. Lucy took a nap in the back seat. When we got home from the parade, Laurie, Addie and I went swimming. It was a great 4th!
We loved being away, but it's always so nice to settle in at home. Here's an impromptu family pic.. the first one to have all 5 grand kids. Obviously we need to keep trying. With everyone in the picture, there's no one to stand on the other side of the camera acting like a fool trying to get smiles out of the little ones.
Addie Lane's reunion with Jack. Can you feel the love?
Lucy has been loving the excersaucer since we've been home.
And Addie's always there to offer more entertainment
We had the best time in Perdido. Grandma and Pop came for a long weekend and Laurie, Reid and Miller stayed the whole week with us. It was a great ending to our time away. We are going to miss the beach.. both girls were such champs at being away from home and loved time in the sun. On the beach Addie Lane loved walking on the beach, chasing birds, digging holes, picking up shells, and playing in the ocean. At the pool she loved to jump off the side, blow bubbles in the water, put her head under water, kick her legs and play on the steps. Lucy was usually content to sit in the shade and sleep or be strolled on the beach.
Addie Lane would rather be in the pool than anywhere in the world! Sweet sisters! Lucy and Miller were great beach babies. Definitely not what the stroller is created for, but the girls seemed to like it. Lucy wanted a dark spot to take a nap. She slept like this for an hour Joel and Addie's beach hobby.. digging holes that would fill with water when the tide came up. It was her pool on the beach :) just after naptime is the best time to cuddle with Grandma